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Agent based modelling

Agent based are bottom-up based modelling approaches that allow exploring the behaviour of complex systems by depicting the interrelation among their different parts, depicted as agents. These approaches start depicting the micro-level of the agents in detail (e.g. installed technologies and consumer behaviour), and by modelling the relationships and links among them, they allow to characterize trends and behaviours on the macro-level (e.g. system performance such as overall related GHG emissions,…).

They focus on the analysis of the links (relationship) between AGENTS (which can be of different nature but keeping the main properties of autonomy, heterogeneity and activity) to characterize the behaviour of the whole system.

Representation of agents for an ABM model for analyzing PV penetration in Oldenburg. (Guasp, 2022)

Suitable reference for understanding the usability and potential of ABM in DES (districuted energy systems) analysis