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The example is about how climate-ready different regions in Germany are (details can be found in the paper by Stefan Gößling-Reisemann (2013)). The main goal of the study was to find out how vulnerable the energy system in the region Bremen-Oldenburg is: To find the main risks and to find appropriate measures to adapt to climate change.

As mentioned before the first step is to characterize the energy system investigated (system scope, design and resources). In the example, they defined the scope along the supply chain of the energy system as

  1. Fuels extraction
  2. Logistic and Transport
  3. Energy Conversion
  4. Transmission and Distribution of Energy
  5. Energy demand and usage

For each step of the supply change they analysed the vulnerability of the system. So, they determined if the effect of climate-related stressors could result in substantial impacts on quantitative and qualitative criteria for different energy carriers (at the end they focused on the tree last steps of the supply chain).

In the following figure you can find out how the authors perform the Vulnerability Analysis and what kind of data they used.

Results: The vulnerability matrix

Video: Explaination of the resulting Vulnerability Matrix.