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Vulnerability Analysis – A proxy for resilience characterization?

What is Vulnerability?

Lets start with the definition given by Turner et al. 2003, p. 8074:

“It is the degree to which a system is likely to experience harm due to exposure to a hazard,, either an exogenous perturbation or an endogenous stress or stressor”

What is Vulnerability Assessment?

Vulnerability Assessment is a method that we can use “to try” to characterize the resilience of an energy system, in order to see how it can be improved. The method we will introduce has been developed by the group of Resilient Energy Systems at the University of Bremen. A lot of information in the lecture videos is based on Goßling-Reiseman, et al. (2013): Climate Change and Structural Vulnerability of a Metropolitan Energy System The Case of Bremen-Oldenburg in Northwest Germany. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 17, Number 6, pp. 846-858 DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12061.

Video: Explaination of vulnerability by Herena Torio.